Not every small business accepts credit cards. But many experts believe that every modern small business should. Here are just a few of the reasons your small business should consider offering online credit card processing:
Increasing Sales
Studies have shown that consumers have payment preferences when it comes to shopping online. Those same studies have also indicated that many consumers – as many as 50% or more – are likely to abandon their online shopping cart if they get to the checkout screen and realize their payment preferences aren’t available.
Offering credit card payment options modernizes your business and gives your customers one more way to pay. While this may not sound like much, it can mean the difference in fifty percent of your sales lost or an increase of the same size. Now, that’s a big difference!
Consumer Convenience
Paying with credit is easy. Paying online is easy. Being able to do either and pay for whatever you’re shopping for at the moment? That’s the kind of user-friendly ease that will make consumers happy to return to your business’s online storefront time and time again.
Keeping Up with Competition
The hard truth for many small business owners is that if they don’t offer credit card payment options to their consumers, someone else will. Whether it’s a fellow small business owner or a large corporation, there is always someone out there willing and able to give your consumers the choice to pay the way they want to. Being that business is the only way to keep up with and surpass your competition in the modern market.
For more information, talk to your local provider of payment solutions to find out if online credit card processing is an option for your business. You’ll never know how much your business can benefit from it until you give it a try!